Embryonic therapy: Can we hypothesize new strategies for wound healing

Embryonic therapy: Can we hypothesize new strategies for wound healing
نوع فایل:PDFتعداد صفحات :5
سال انتشار : 1394
Hair has various physiological functions, including protection from the elements and dispersion of sweat-gland products. It it also psychosocial important, and patients with hair loss (alopecia) often deeply suffer. Demand for medications that alter hair growth and appearance has led to a multibillion-dollar industry and thus far few natural effective products are available. For the purpose of ascertaining natural products which possess hair growing activity, we looked over onto ethanolic and aqueous extracts of E. cottonii. Hair follicles have greatly been regarded as intriguing but largely separate and non-essential adjuncts to skin. Hair follicle epithelial stem cells and their contribution to skin…