Buckling of an Arbitrary Number of Parallel Timoshenko Beams with Intermediate Flexible Connections Under a Compressive Axial Force

Buckling of an Arbitrary Number of Parallel Timoshenko Beams with Intermediate Flexible Connections Under a Compressive Axial Force
نوع فایل :PDFتعداد صفحات :10
سال انتشار :1395
Buckling analyzing of a set of parallel Timoshenko beams that areconnected together by intermediate flexible connections is studied inthis article. In order to investigate the buckling, the parallel beams areunder an axial force. In this case, a suitable set of equations is createdthat are applicable to solve the problems of axial loading. The numberof beams and intermediate connections are arbitrary and are consideredas parameters n and m respectively. The existence of the intermediateconnections needs compatibility equations which create coupleddifferential equations along with the Timoshenko beams. The solvingmethod involves a change of variables to decouple the governingdifferential equations. The…