
کتاب اقتصاد کلان برای دانشجویان MBA

  1. کتاب اقتصاد کلان برای دانشجویان MBA

    کتاب اقتصاد کلان برای دانشجویان MBA

    List of Figures page ixList of Tables xiiPreface xvForeword xix1 GDP and Inflation 1Objectives of this Chapter 21.1 GDP 31.1.1 Definition of GDP 31.1.2 GDP andWelfare 91.1.3 Historical Behavior of Nominal and Real GDP 111.1.4 Caveats 151.2 Components of GDP 151.2.1 Private Consumption 161.2.2 Private Investment 201.2.3 Government Spending 221.2.4 Net Exports 251.2.5 Miscellany 271.3 More GDP Accounting 281.4 Inflation 31Further Reading 37Homework 382 Firms and Growth 43Objectives of this Chapter 442.1 Cobb–Douglas Production
    2.1.1 Constant Returns to Scale 462.1.2 Declining Marginal Products 472.2 Profit Maximization 482.2.1 Optimal Capital 492.2.2 Optimal Labor 512.2.3 Optimal Profits 512.3 Growth Accounting 522.3.1 Growth in Developed Countries 552.3.2 Balanced Growth 562.3.3…

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